Akita: 94% match

Vocabulary Activity
1. Sprinter: Velocista
2. Jogger: Corredor
3. Breed: Raza
4. To hunt: Cazar
5. Laid-back approach: Enfoque tranquilo
6. Watchdog: Guardián
7. Grooming: Acicalamiento, mantenimiento
8. Couch potato: Sedentario
9. Able: Capaz
10. Low: Bajo, quedo
11. Slightly: Ligeramente, levemente, un poco
12. Harsh: Duro, severo, fuerte
Act 02
1. Notoriety: Mala fama
2. Accurately: Con exactitud
3. Toddlers: Niños pequeños
4. Capable: Capaz de
5. Whimper: Lloriquear
6. Leash: Correa
7. Neighborhood: Vecindario
8. Musk: Almizcle
Act 03
About Must Love Cats
My favorite domestic animal is the cat and I’d like to know about the amazing cats.
About It's Me or the Dog
I’d like to know the way that Victoria to use for help the unruly dogs
About My Cat From Hell
Again… I really love the cats and I think that Jackson Galaxy can help them and their families.
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